Nepal Domestic airlines raise airfare
Airfare for domestic destinations have become dearer by around two percent with effect from March 17.
Domestic airlines raised the airfare after Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) hiked price of Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) by around Rs 6 per liter to Rs 143.
A meeting of Airlines Operators Association of Nepal (AOAN) had taken the decision to raise airfare on March 14.
The government allows doemstic airlines to hike fuel surchage if ATF price his hiked by more than Rs 4 per liter.
The decision means airfare has increased in the range of Rs 65 to Rs 235 depending on routes. Airfare to Simara — the nearest destination from Kathmandu — has increased by Rs 65, while tickets to Dhangadhi — the farthest destination from Kathmandu — has become dearer by Rs 265. Airlines have raised airfare for mountian flights by Rs 225, Pokhara by Rs 100, Bhairahawa by Rs 120, Biratnagar by Rs 140, Nepalgunj by Rs 180, Tumlingtar by Rs 100, Janakpur by Rs 90, Bharatpur by Rs 80 and Lukla by Rs 85.
Airfare for mountain flights will now cost Rs 10,660. Similarly, it will cost Rs 4,970 for a flight to Pokhara, Rs 6,085 for Bhairahawa, Rs 6,835 for Biratnagar, Rs 8,435 for Nepalgunj, Rs 7,765 for Bhadrapur, Rs 5,080 for Tumlingtar, Rs 4,250 for Janakpur, Rs 3,670 for Bharatpur and Rs 4,450 for Lukla.